Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 18 Springfield, MO to Lebanon, MO

Day 18 Springfield, MO to Lebanon, MO 55.5 miles 4170ft climbing #NM2NY4LFSA

It was a roller coaster ride all day. Up and down, very rarely level. We made the decision to remain on 66 to St Louis and head East through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. The route change shortens the trip by a couple of hundred miles but more importantly it levels the roller coaster ride quite a bit and keeps us closer to cold drinks, air conditioning, and help if we need it. We had a nice ride today until about 3:30 when the temperature became extreme. The further we got from Springfield the friendlier drivers got. We had been warned about the drivers in Southern Missouri and it is true, they have been the most dangerous and least courteous of the ride so far. They reminded me of Florida drivers. It only takes a dozen scary drivers to make the hundreds of others scary too. About 25 miles into the ride we came to the intersection of the Trans America route and Route 66. We stayed left for 66.  We checked into a hotel and hit the pool. It was very nice. For dinner we had Chinese buffet about 50ft from our front door. When you're hungry and there are no concerns about overeating, buffets can be great. It was a good one. As we laid in bed we heard an explosion nearby and the power went out. Apparently it was a transformer blowing. The power came back pretty fast, but the hotel didn't have a generator. In the middle of the night a short series of smaller explosions and one bigger one woke Lauren and I up. This time the power did not come back quickly. I rolled over and went back to sleep hoping the lack of A/C didn't make the room warm up too quickly.

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